So everything is coming together in one place. The three Cs - computing, communications, and content are brought together with media convergence. I want to talk about a few of the applications of media convergence that I have found interesting.

Cell Phones (Android Phones)
I just ordered a new cell phone recently. The one I have currently is a smart phone but I'm not paying for internet. I am on a family plan and with renewing our contract with Sprint we all receive free data plans. When looking through my phone options I came across the HTC Hero, a phone that has the new Android operating system technology in it. Like all smart phones it is bringing together many different technologies. Phones such as the HTC Hero want to be an all in one phone. If you have this you don't need a computer, ipod, or gps because they are all in your phone. I am very excited to try this new phone out and how I adapt to it, if I fall in love with how convenient it is, or if it will be too complicated for me. I am also interested to see if I use all or most of the applications it offers.

These phones are also opening a whole new landscape for marketers. Consumers now have 24/7 contact with the internet. Consumer behavior is going change with this new technology and marketers are going to have to adapt and figure out how to use this to their advantage. In the book Media Society it talks about technological determinism and how technology or technological advances are the "central casual element in processes of social change" (Pg 305). This means that with this new advance in technology there comes social change which without a doubt changes the way marketers are going to have to reach their target markets. So, keeping up to date with new technology is a good thing for me since I am a marketing major. Picking the Hero Android phone was probably a good choice.
Just like with the iphone, Android phones have applications. One that I found very cool was it's scanner application.
Google Wave
Another new media convergence that recently come into my life is Google Wave. I recently received an invite to join the testing stages of Google Wave. Shared space to discuss and communicate with other members of Google Wave using text, videos, photos, maps, and more. It is equal parts conversation and document. It seems to me to hopefully one day be an ideal work space for groups. If you needed to have a business meeting to discuss a project but members of this meeting were located all over the country you would be able to pick a time to meet on Google Wave. Here you would be able to have a live video chat, while working live on a common document. It also will be able to keep a record of your typed conversations or edits that you have made.

In the book Amusing Ourselves to Death, Neil Postman talks about teaching as an amusing activity (pg 142). In this he talks about learning through the television. He notes that television is "creating new conceptions of knowledge and hot it is acquired" (pg 145). Google Wave may also be a tool that changes the way we learn or are educated. I know that I personally have been told that taking a school course online is a bad idea, you don't learn as much and don't get as much out of it. What if online courses used a medium such as Google Wave to conduct their class? They could have a live video chat, where they could tech and have a discussion about it at the same time. They could possibly help clarify or add to their lessons with pictures, videos, or maps.
Oh and look at this Here is a picture of a Android phone and an iphone with the Google Wave on it! - ALL IN ONE!

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